First steps in core.NS


core.NS has been developed for Python3. Ans specifically for Python 3.6+ There is no plans to backport core.NS to Python2. Sorry, folk!

As we already know, the very first steps in core.NS is initialization of the Namespace and receiving ability to call functions and access data objects on the Namespace.

Python 3.7.4 (default, Jul  9 2019, 18:13:23)
[Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)] on darwin
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>>> from corens  import *
>>> ns, f, F = NS()
>>> V = f("V")
>>> V("/config/answer")
  • On line 4, we are importing a basic functionality of the core.NS. Usually, that is all that you will need.
  • On line 5, we are creating new Namespace. This call returns three elements: * Reference to a namespace itself. Namespace in fact, is a one, big, complicated Python dictionary. Nothing more than that. You can work with Namespace directly, as you would work with any dictionary, but it is not recommended. * Reference to a function “f()”. This function is searching and returning you a reference to any other function stored in Namespace. * Reference to a function “F()”. This function acts similarly to an f(), but instead of returning the reference, F() install this function in Python builtins
  • On line 6, we are referencing function V(), which we will need to access data elements.